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Confiz Broadens Its Car Financing Program to Include Principal Software Engineers and Associate Managers

Confiz Broadens Its Car Financing Program to Include Principal Software Engineers and Associate Managers

Confiz Pakistan, a leading technology company, has expanded its “Confiz on Wheels” initiative to include Principal Software Engineers and Associate Managers. This initiative provides employees with an interest-free car financing option, making it more affordable and convenient for them to own a car. This is a significant expansion of the program, as car financing opportunities

EV batteries will have to be 50% lighter in future, Stellantis tech chief says

EV batteries will have to be 50% lighter in future, Stellantis tech chief says

Ned Curic, the chief technology officer of Stellantis, said that the company aims to develop lighter electric vehicle batteries, cutting weights in half to improve sustainability. He said that current EV batteries are “just too heavy”, making vehicles “not compatible” with sustainability purposes. There are a few reasons why EV batteries need to be lighter.

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