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ChatGPT-maker OpenAI published on Monday its newest guidelines for gauging “catastrophic risks” from artificial intelligence in models currently being developed.

ChatGPT-maker OpenAI published on Monday its newest guidelines for gauging “catastrophic risks” from artificial intelligence in models currently being developed.

OpenAI, the visionary organization behind ChatGPT, has unveiled a set of comprehensive guidelines aimed at evaluating and mitigating potential dangers associated with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) models. This move underscores OpenAI’s commitment to identifying and addressing “catastrophic risks,” defined as events that pose significant harm to humanity. The newly introduced guidelines establish a

Altman Returns to OpenAI, Bard is Getting Smarter with YouTube

Altman Returns to OpenAI, Bard is Getting Smarter with YouTube

In a surprising turn of events, Sam Altman has made a triumphant return to the helm of OpenAI as CEO, marking the end of a tumultuous week for the organization. This dramatic shift comes alongside the announcement of a revamped board, with cofounder Greg Brockman also making a return. Altman’s earlier departure was shrouded in

OpenAI Breaks New Ground: ChatGPT Now Masters Speech and Vision

OpenAI Breaks New Ground: ChatGPT Now Masters Speech and Vision

OpenAI, the pioneering research laboratory behind ChatGPT, has unveiled a groundbreaking advancement in artificial intelligence. ChatGPT, already renowned for its text generation capabilities, has now expanded its horizons to encompass speech and vision. This transformation empowers ChatGPT to not only generate text but also to comprehend and interact through spoken language and images. This remarkable

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